- The virtual world of my Illyra 2 has been expanded, giving players the chance to fully immerse themselves in this interactive world with their beloved pet.
- A delicate system has been added to introduce different costumes and fashion choices for cats, allowing players to tailor their Illyra's appearance to their specific preferences.
- The game allows players to care for their beloved pet from the moment they wake up, as seen in the comforting face that turns pale when brushing her teeth or playing with her favorite meal.
- The playful nature of the game is reflected in the intricate process of choosing makeup, applying cosmetics precisely to the correct location on the cat's face, making it difficult for both men and women to navigate this task.
- With so many options available, each girl's preference can be found in the game, providing a unique experience that is often difficult to replicate in other types of games.
- The卡通 visuals and cute personality of Illyra 2 make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to alleviate stress and find some entertainment amidst the chaos of daily life.
- 类别:角色扮演
- 大小:155.56MB
- 更新:2023-07-13
- 下载:900次
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